
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homemade Vanilla Syrup and Cranilla Soda’s

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway – it ends tomorrow (Wednesday January 11th) at midnight!

This past weekend we took a quick road trip to Strawberry AZ and rented a cabin with a few friends for a little R&R


This was our third year making a trip up north with friends to hang out and play in the snow – except there was no snow this time since its been so crazy warm here! But we managed to just take some time to relax and do nothing really at all :)


Crystal was my partner in crime in the kitchen for the weekend and we cooked up some really delicious food for the gang


We hung out on the gorgeous patio of the cabin overlooking some mountains in the am and then enjoyed a few beverages on the patio in the evening while watching the sunset.


We played a few board games and of course…Just Dance on the Wii. and did a run through of the dance we made for Ross and Crystal's wedding – and we’ve still got it down!


Lots of fun! But now it’s Tuesday and I still want to be lazy and hang out with a sherpa blanket on the couch all day ;) haha


Sonic is one of my favorite drink stops – I love the endless number of possibilities when it comes to the beverages. So I have devised a way to make delicious and unique drinks at home. It takes just a few ingredients and some delicious homemade vanilla syrup. Personally I enjoy the vanilla syrup mixed in with cranberry and sprite but there are many other yummy choices (like adding some to a coke or even to a sprite with a splash of grape many options!)


Homemade Vanilla Syrup

Printable Recipe



1 ½ cups water

3 cups sugar

1 vanilla bean, cut in half lengthwise

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract



In a small pot, combine water and sugar. Scrape the seeds of the vanilla bean into the sugar mixture, then add the pod, bring the mixture to a boil over medium high heat. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Remove vanilla bean then stir in vanilla extract. Cool to room temperature and pour into a bottle to store. Refrigerate if desired, to extend shelf life.

Recipe by me


The flavors in this drink make it good for winter but its refreshing enough for summer as well. I would imagine this would taste equally delicious if you also added a shot of vanilla vodka if you wanted to de-virginize it.

Cranilla Soda

Printable Recipe



6 oz Sprite (or other lemon-lime soda)

¼ cup cranberry juice

1 tablespoon vanilla syrup



Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour in vanilla syrup, cranberry juice and sprite. Stir gently to combine.


Recipe by me



  1. Your Cranilla Soda sounds amazing! I love adding sprite to different juices. I bet the vanilla makes it even better!

  2. Happy hour at Sonic is my favorite time of day! Now I can get a mid-work week fix!
